What you should know before cleaning with TSP

TSP means trisodium phosphate and is an inorganic chemist found in several places. As with any chemical cleaning agent, there are risks associated with the use of TSP. On the other hand, it functions as a high speed and powerful cleaning agent. If the TSP is suitable for you, so that it cleans your home depends on your evaluation of your pros and cons.

In the following article, we provide all the necessary information about the TSP, so you know all the facts before deciding to clean with it. Based on the essential details about the TSP and its background history to its uses and advantages, we have covered it with respect to all TSP facts.

What is the TSP?

We know that the TSP is used for cleaning, but what exactly is it? The trisodium phosphate is manufactured by neutralizing phosphoric acid using sodium hydroxide. Sometimes, sodium carbonate is also added, but carbonate only produces disodium phosphate. For lovers of chemistry, the chemical formula of TSP is Na3PO4, and solid white substance has a granular or crystalline texture. It is found mainly in the form of dust. The TSP is highly soluble in water, and produces an alkaline solution. The trisodium phosphate is used in many applications, including, among others, cleaning, construction, food additives and removal of stains.

Sometimes, the trisodium phosphate is known as TSP bleach due to its extensive use as a cleaning agent. The story of the TSP reveals that it was very commonly used in the past of what it is today. The main reason for this is the risks posed by the TSP.

Keep reading to find out how TSP came up.

The story of teaspoon

At first, the TSP was the best option for demanding cleaning jobs. It used to be found as the main ingredient in standard household cleaning products, such as dishwashing detergents or laundry soaps. Recently, however, chemist has become less popular due to increased consciousness.

In the 1970s, States in the United States began to control the use of phosphates due to their harmful effects on the environment. When the chemists ended up in rivers or lakes, they caused algae to multiply and harm another life in the ecosystem. In some places, the sale of products containing phosphates was prohibited. This turned out in that manufacturers resort to new products without any phosphate in them.

That is why today phosphates are not a significant ingredient in most cleaning products, although a small amount of TSP can be found in a limited number of cleaners. At this stage, it is natural to ask yourself: if they are no longer used in products, should they be using TSP compounds? Read about the “uses” of TSP to have a better idea of ​​why people still would opt for the chemist.


Although the main use for TSP is for cleaning, there is a wide range of other applications of this chemical. Its alkaline properties make it perfect to eliminate grease and oil from various surfaces. The trisodium phosphate is exceptionally powerful, which allows you to clean dirt, fingerprints, walls, bleach clothes and much more. You can easily mix the TSP with regular domestic bleach without worrying about a reaction. The following list explains the different uses of the TSP:

Removing the mold

You can effectively eliminate mold from the walls with the TSP. It will also delete the stains due to mold. Just be sure not to use the chemical in any metal, the most expensive wood, or the glass that is near the mold. It can cause damage to these materials. After cleaning the mold and mold stains, you will have to rinse the surface with water and leave it dry. Although TSP is useful to eliminate mold, it is not completely suitable to eliminate the mold.

Chlorinate teaspoon

The chlorid TSP is made of NaOCL by neutralizing phosphoric acid. The chlorinated trisodium phosphate is commonly found on cleaning powders and is also an excellent cleaning chemical. It is used as bleach and disinfectant similar to sodium hypochlorite. The chlorinated trisodium phosphate is suitable for cleaning steel surfaces or products and also some types of plastics.

Cleaning walls.

The TSP cleaner is commonly used to clean the walls and other surfaces before painting. It should be mixed with water and using only on these surfaces, being the external ones. Rinse all thoroughly, after using the TSP cleaner and then giving a wide drying time before painting. It can also be a replacement for sandpaper, since the TSP cleaner will remove the paint.

Mason of cleaning

Masonry can also be cleaned with TSP cleaners. While cleaning the masonry, it is crucial to ensure that it is not dealing with a significant mortar staining because these types of stains require an even stronger cleaning agent. It is also necessary to rule out the efflorescence, which consists of water salt deposits. Extreme staining caused by mortar or efflorescence should be eliminated using muriatic acid, which is more risky that is used for the TSP, so be sure to investigate the substance if you plan to use it.


The flow consists of a lot of materials that are used to cover the welds and protect them from atmospheric gases. The TSP has been approved in the US. UU for applications in hard welding joints carried out for medical grade copper plumbing. The TSP is one of the ingredients used in the flows that are created for non-ferrous deoxygent casting metals.

Cleaning ceilings.

TSP can be used to clean ceilings of all types. You will have to dilute the TSP first as you would for any other application. Usually, the TSP is diluted by adding a half cup to almost two gallons of warm water. When cleaning ceilings with TSP, it is essential to be very careful with the surroundings. If TSP comes in contact with the plants, it can damage them or kill them. Phosphates are very strong and harmful to foliage, so be sure to cover the plants close with water before working with TSP. The water in the foliage can reduce any damage if the TSP happens to reach it. If there is moss and dirt on your roof, you probably need hard scrubbing to eliminate them. The result, however, will leave its roof extremely clean and clean.

Remove the grout.

The trisodium phosphate is also used to remove dry grout. Although it can not be used to clean the grout, it is effective to eliminate the ancient parts of it. While taking out the old tiles, you can see an old grout that is extremely difficult to eliminate, which is where the TSP arrives. All you should do is leave some TSP cleaner to sit on the grout for a few minutes, and then remove it. The dry grout will leave much easier than I would have done before.

Painting of the wall of improvement

The TSP can be used to displease, remove and completely clean the walls before painting them. The TSP is effective to eliminate and break the brightness of oil-based paint and open the latex-based paint pores. Cleaning the walls with TSP is a useful step before painting because it will provide a suitable surface to apply layers of paint.

Food additive

In the EU, several sodium phosphates such as monosodium phosphate and trisodium phosphate are used as food additives. Its most common use is to act as acidity regulators. The US FDA UU also approves safe sodium phosphates to add food.

Improvement exercise

The trisodium phosphate has become popular as a nutritional supplement that allows people to exercise better. This assumption is based on the fact that phosphate is useful for the cycle of Krebs, which produced energy and is an integral part of the body’s aerobic metabolism.

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